Faith Unbreakable May 27, 2020

Faith Unbreakable

It is so easy to have faith for other people and pray in faith for them, to believe for them, but when it is you and your family who are threatened by the proverbial fire, it is much harder to have faith for yourself. But we need to have strong faith for ourselves, especially in times such as these.

Everywhere I have turned lately, I have seen or heard things addressing the subject of having faith. It’s so easy to have faith on the mountain top when you are looking down at the valley you just came out of. However, we can’t stay on the top of the mountain. We have to keep moving forward into the great unknown that awaits us on the other side of the mountain as we head straight down into the deep shadows that await us at the bottom of the next valley.

One thing we need to understand about valleys is that they are not there to torment us or break us. They are there for the explicit purpose of growing our faith, bringing us closer to our Heavenly Father, and teaching us to lean on Him and his strength and His abilities instead of our own. This is the time we need to pray and ask “God what do you have to teach me as I struggle through this valley and climb the next mountain?”

Society today would have us to place our trust and faith in man, in leaders, in medical experts, in rituals, in cloth coverings, in everything….except God. It’s not easy, when we are bombarded by fear mongering, by people who are profiting off of feeding the fire of people’s fear. It’s not easy when we have legitimate health issues that put us at greater risk than the general population. With the mandates that the governor of Virginia and many other governors are putting forth today, they are making it impossible to buy or sell unless you wear a mask, something that has become a symbol of isolation, separation, and fear. It almost looks like a trial run for the mark of the beast mentioned in the book of Revelation. Does it not? Please don’t mistake what I’m saying. I am not shaming anyone who wears a mask. That decision is between you, your God, your legal authorities, and your medical professionals, but I am starting to see many parallels with things we are warned about in the Bible about the end days, and I do want you to pray about your decisions as we go forward into this great unknown.

In the book of Daniel in chapter 3, we are taught that King Nebuchadnezzar commanded, made a law, that everyone (within the hour) of hearing the sound of music would bow their knee to a golden idol and worship it. IF they did not, they would face certain death by being cast into the middle of a burning fiery furnace. The three Hebrew children known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, did not hesitate to defy the King’s decree, because obedience to the King, would be disobedience to God.

This did not sit well with some of the Chaldeans. I can almost hear them saying: Who do they think they are? Are they above the King’s decrees? These certain Chaldeans snitched on the Hebrew children. I am sure they were very dramatic when they told the King about those three Jews the King had set over the province of Babylon (v12). Doesn’t that sound like what we are experiencing today where people in certain cities and localities are actually encouraged to turn in their neighbors, family, friends, and strangers for violating the COVID19 edicts? Or worse, where even in our own city people are calling 911 to report people visiting neighbors or congregating in an area where there are elderly people in residence (Anstaett, 2020).

King Nebuchadnezzar had the three Hebrew children brought before them. I am sure he was full of consternation, indignation, anger, and disbelief that anyone would dare defy his laws. Verse 13 says Nebuchadnezzar was furious and angry. How dare they!! He asked them in verse 14 ” …Is it true O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?”

Is it true? Do you not serve my gods? Do you not worship my golden image that I have set up? Is it true? Then poor old Nebuchadnezzar gave them the ultimatum be ready to bow and worship them image. If you don’t, that same hour, you will be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace (v.15). Then he dared to ask: who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands (v.15)?

How did the Hebrew children respond? They did not deny. They did not try to make excuses. They said straight up: We don’t have to be careful in answering you in this matter (v.16). …Our God whom we serve is ABLE to deliver us from the furnace of fire, and he WILL deliver us from you, king (v.17)! WOW! Talk about faith!! But those Hebrew children did not stop at their declaration of faith. They KNOW God is ABLE to deliver them, BUT if he doesn’t, rest assured O king, we will still not serve your gods or worship the golden image you set up (v.18).

King Nebuchadnezzar was angry before, but now he was seething, he was full of fury and the expression on his face changed toward them. He was so angry he commanded the furnace to be heated 7 times hotter (v.19). We know the rest of the story. God not only delivered the Hebrew children from the burning furnace and the kings hand, but their clothes weren’t singed, and they didn’t even smell of smoke when they came out. More marvelous than that, though, is Jesus (Son of God v.25) walked in the midst of the fire with them, and it was witnessed by the King himself. How is that for God showing up and showing himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward him (2 Chronicles 16:9)?

Challenge: How can we spread Love and Hope this week Whatever fire or mountain we are facing, God wants to know that we won’t bow our knee to idols. God wants to know that regardless of what threatens our sanity, our safety, and our security our faith is placed ONLY in Him. Whatever you decide to use or not use during this time of testing, be sure that you don’t place your trust and faith, your sanity, safety, or security in man or manmade items, but in the one and only God of Heaven. Lord, I pray that we have the faith and knowing as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did when they told the king we know our God is able to deliver, but even if He doesn’t, we still won’t bow to idols (false gods)! Pray that when tested, you, too, will have faith unbreakable.

Works Cited

Anstaett, C. (2020, 05 26). WSLS Channel 10 News. Retrieved 05 27, 2020, from WSLS:


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