I have been away for a while, bringing all this drama and emotional baggage to Yahuah. Words have power, but we don’t have to be slaves to our own tongue or that of someone else’s. I didn’t realize that it had been more than 6 months since I wrote my last post. I really felt the need to set aside this abuse from “Pastor Rick” of the Bible Baptist church that we used attend. I really needed to take it to Yahuah in prayer, because I am human and I was struggling with negative emotions from all the hurt that had been hurled at my family. To be honest, our hearts are still broken for how we were treated by both the “pastor” and the congregation who did not take long to remove us from their list of acquaintances…the texts stopped coming completely in less than a month. I guess that means that they “backed his play” so to speak. That’s really sad on so many levels. We continue to pray for them all, that Yah will open their eyes, and that they will have a desire to seek the truth as we did.
We are still testing “Paul’s” writings; however, I do have several articles I am currently writing on what is going on in the community of believers at this time in regard to questioning Paul, and you can look forward to those being posted soon. It is good to be back and to have peace of mind and heart, but mostly it is wonderful to put our trust in Yahuah and Abba Father. Always remember that words have power, and we will all have to stand before Yah and give account for every single word!