The Call to Pray
Do you wonder how to pray to the Most High? Do you question why you have unanswered prayers? God calls us to speak with Him every day. He repeats His invitation until our hearts are open.

Praise as Powerful Prayer
Praise lifts our hearts and draws us closer to God. It rises like sweet incense that pleases the Lord. Psalm 141:2 declares, “Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense.” When we praise, we honor His greatness and invite His divine presence.
Types of Prayer
Prayer comes in many vibrant forms. We offer adoration by exalting God’s majesty. We practice confession to seek forgiveness for our sins. Thanksgiving celebrates His abundant blessings. Supplication asks for personal help. Intercession uplifts the needs of others. Each prayer deepens our connection with the Creator.
Understanding Unanswered Prayers
Unanswered prayers invite us to examine our hearts. God listens to prayers that align with His perfect plan. When we pray selfishly, our words miss His mark. True prayer seeks His will over our own desires.
The Mystery of Unanswered Prayers
Sometimes our prayers seem unanswered. Often, God answers immediately. Other times, He says “not now” and asks us to wait patiently. I often remind my daughter that patience is key. Sometimes, His answer is no. All answers guide us to grow in faith and trust.
Surrendering to the Father’s Will
We often cling to our own plans and desires. Yeshua taught us to yield to God’s plan by saying, “Not my will, but Thine be done.” His prayer invites us to set aside our selfish ambitions. We learn to trust the Father’s perfect design for our lives.
Aligning Our Hearts with God’s Purpose
The Lord’s Prayer reminds us, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” We must not impose our will in our prayers. Instead, we align our hearts with God’s purpose. This active surrender invites His guidance and transforms our prayer life.
How to Pray to the Most High
Begin with adoration. Praise God’s greatness and mercy with every breath. Confess your sins and thank Him for forgiveness. Ask for guidance and trust His wisdom. Listen intently for His still, small voice.
Steps to a Fulfilling Prayer Life
Embrace every form of prayer. Start with adoration and thanksgiving. Include confession and supplication. Intercede for others with a humble spirit. Let your praise and submission become a constant dialogue with the Most High. Trust that He hears you and answers according to His perfect will.
If you want a deeper understanding of the Most-High God’s laws, I highly recommend The Moses Scroll by Ross K Nichols. You can learn about the Father’s laws and their profound connection to developing a true heart knowledge of YHVH. Nichols offers what many believe to be the oldest version of the Ten commandments. The enlightening revelations in the Moses Scroll can transform your spiritual journey.
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