The Power of Words: Healing Through Faith

Words Have Power: The Vibrational Impact of Speech

I have been away for a while, unloading drama and emotional baggage at the feet of the Most High. Words have power, and they can either heal or harm. But we don’t have to be slaves to our own tongue or anyone else’s. It shocked me to realize that more than six months had passed since my last post. Life has been a whirlwind, but the weight of spoken words forced me into deep reflection.

The Wounds Left by Words

I needed to set aside the emotional abuse from the preacher at our former church. His words cut deep, and I struggled with hurt, frustration, and anger. I knew I had to take it to the Most High in prayer. Negative words had settled into my heart like heavy stones, threatening to drown me.

Our family was deeply wounded by both the so-called pastor and the congregation. Their silence spoke as loudly as their words. Within a month, the texts stopped. The friendships vanished. It was clear—they backed his play. That kind of abandonment is heartbreaking. But we continue to pray for them, that the Father will open their eyes and lead them to seek truth as we did.

The Vibrational Frequency of Words

Science confirms what Scripture has always said: words are powerful. Everything in existence has a vibrational frequency. Sound is not just noise—it is energy that affects the world around us. When we speak, our words create vibrations that influence our surroundings, including the people who hear them.

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” This is not just a poetic thought; it is a scientific reality. Spoken words carry energy, and that energy can bring life or destruction.

The Science Behind Vibrations and Speech

Physicists tell us that all matter is made of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Your chair, your body, even the air you breathe—all are vibrating at a molecular level. Our words are no exception.

Studies show that words can physically alter the molecular structure of water. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research revealed that positive words formed beautiful, symmetrical ice crystals, while negative words resulted in chaotic, distorted shapes. Since the human body is mostly water, imagine the impact of words on our health and emotions!

Encouragement vs. Condemnation

Words of encouragement uplift and strengthen. They increase positive vibrations in our minds and bodies. When someone says, “You are loved,” or “You are capable,” our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, chemicals linked to happiness and well-being. Encouragement fuels confidence, reduces stress, and promotes healing.

On the other hand, words of condemnation break down the spirit. Harsh criticism, insults, and verbal abuse lower vibrational frequencies, causing emotional and even physical distress. Studies show that people exposed to chronic negativity are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and weakened immune function.

James 3:6 warns, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” When we speak negativity, we unleash destruction—not just on others, but on ourselves.

Words and Spiritual Health

The Bible repeatedly reminds us of the weight our words carry. Matthew 12:36-37 states, “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

This is a sobering thought. If we knew our words were shaping our eternal destiny, wouldn’t we choose them more carefully?

our words have power

Breaking Free from Negative Words

We do not have to live as victims of negative speech—whether from ourselves or others. Here’s how to break free:

  1. Guard Your Tongue – Proverbs 21:23 says, “Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.”
  2. Surround Yourself with Uplifting Speech – Stay close to people who speak life into you, not those who tear you down.
  3. Speak Life Over Yourself – Daily affirmations based on Scripture can change your mindset and increase your spiritual strength.
  4. Pray for Wisdom – James 1:5 tells us to ask God for wisdom, and He will give it generously.

The Call to Action

Words have power. They shape our reality, influence our emotions, and impact our health. Choose words that bring life, not destruction. Speak encouragement, not condemnation. Seek the truth and let your speech reflect the love and wisdom of the Most High. We will all stand before Him one day, accountable for every word spoken. Let’s make sure our words build, heal, and glorify Him.

If you are searching for an assembly where questioning anything the Bible does not result in abuse, I encourage you to check out Ross K Nichols’ Youtube. He also has an after-class discussion that you can get in on if you are a subscriber. If you are not a subscriber, you can still watch an hour of the after-class discussion on this Youtube channel: Horeb

If you’re serious about nourishing your body and soul, consider investing in a quality grain mill and bread machine. Freshly milled grain makes a huge difference in homemade bread! Check out my top picks on Amazon:

Also, don’t forget to browse my other articles and recipes for more inspiration on healthy living and spiritual growth!

How to Make Whole Wheat Bread in a Bread Machine(Opens in a new browser tab)

Bug-Free Grains: How to Keep Your Bulk Grains Safe and Sound(Opens in a new browser tab)

Grains in Bulk: Healthier, Cheaper, and Sustainable(Opens in a new

Encourage One Another: The Power of Uplifting Words(Opens in a new browser tab)

Mastering Your Thoughts for a Positive Life(Opens in a new browser tab)

Forgive One Another: Unlocking Inner Peace(Opens in a new browser tab)

Gardening Wisdom: The Good Seed and Chaff(Opens in a new browser tab)

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