Resting in the Shadow of the Most High: Finding Peace Amid Life’s Storms
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” — Psalms 91:1
A Lesson from the Lawn
Most people dread mowing the lawn, but for me, it’s a cherished time alone with the YHVH. It’s where I connect, reflect, and often receive gentle nudges from God. Yesterday, as I mowed the grass for the first time this season, I had one of those moments, feeling as if I was in the shadow of the Most High.
Every time I passed beneath the large ash tree in my yard, my mower bogged down and died. Every. Single. Time. The thick, lush grass growing in the shade choked the blades, stopping them cold. It was as if God was tapping me on the shoulder, saying, “Stop and pay attention!”
I looked closer at the grass beneath the tree—tall, green, vibrant, and thriving. Instantly, Psalms 91:1 sprang to mind. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” I felt chills as the verse washed over me with new meaning.
The Beauty of Resting in the Shadow of the Most High
There’s something deeply comforting about the idea of resting in God’s shadow. Like that thick grass under the ash tree, we can flourish when we dwell close to Him. His shadow offers protection—shielding us from life’s scorching heat, drenching rains, and damaging storms.
When we choose to rest under the covering of the Most High, we find a sanctuary. It doesn’t mean storms won’t come—they will. But when we are nestled beneath His mighty arm, those storms can’t destroy us. The trials of life may rage around us, but they won’t break us. They won’t choke us out. We are safe, secure, and deeply loved.
Flourishing Through Life’s Storms
Living under God’s protection doesn’t mean a storm-free life—it means a storm-proof one. Even when winds howl and rains pour, we stand strong, nourished by His presence. Like the lush grass thriving in the shadow, we grow even in difficult seasons when we abide in Him.
A Call to Rest and Reach Out
So, where are you today? Are you feeling beaten down by life’s relentless rains? Scorched by the intense heat of struggles, far from the protective arms of God? If so, it’s time to come back to the secret place. Reach out to someone—a friend, a mentor, a fellow believer—who can pray with you and help guide you back into the shadow of the Most High.
And if you’re already resting under His covering, secure in His peace, take this as an opportunity to extend that comfort to someone else. Someone near you may be struggling, lost in life’s storms. Reach out, pray with them, mentor them, and help them discover the peace that comes from resting in the shadow of the Most High.
This Week’s Challenge:
Let’s spread love and hope. Whether you need shelter or can offer it, take action. Find someone to walk alongside—because life is better when we weather the storms together, resting in the shadow of the Almighty.
Will you answer the call?
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