Raw Vegan Fast: Transform Your Health in 30 Days

Raw Vegan Fast: 30 Days of Raw and Real

The Plant-Powered Epiphany

Let me start with this: going raw vegan isn’t just for Instagram influencers who can afford $15 smoothies. It’s for real people—like me—who wake up one day and think, “Hey, what if I ate nothing but raw plants for a month?” Sounds simple, right? Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. But it was worth it.

For years, my family and I have thrived on a whole food plant-based diet. We channeled our inner herbivores. It felt like it was our calling. We drew inspiration from Genesis 1:29. Yes, that’s the verse where Elohim basically hands over the ultimate grocery list, mentioning “every herb bearing seed” and “fruit of a tree yielding seed.” We followed the plant path, feeling pretty smug about our health. But there were still those annoying little inflammation flare-ups that refused to RSVP “No” to the party.

raw vegan fast: 30 days to a healthier body

Why Is Choosing Health So Hard?

I often wonder why it’s so tough for people to change how they fuel their bodies. It’s like Elohim is holding out two plates: one stacked with vibrant, living foods, the other with… well, stuff that looks like it could survive the apocalypse. And people still pick the latter! Even my special needs daughter gets it: live food gives life; dead food… not so much.

Case in point: my Mother-in-Law. She ate our plant-based meals for three months and saw improvements in her autoimmune issues. Even her specialist for Sjogren’s syndrome told her to keep it up. But after 80 years of culinary habits, she decided to return to her old ways. I get it—changing lifelong habits is hard. But choosing to feel better? That seems like a no-brainer.

The Raw Vegan Fast Experiment

So, we leveled up. For over 30 days, we embarked on a raw vegan fast.

  • No cooked food.
  • No oils.
  • No animal products.

Just pure, unadulterated plants.

I’d heard all the raw vegan success stories—people reversing diseases, feeling like superheroes, possibly even gaining the power to talk to plants (okay, maybe not that last one). But I wanted to see for myself.

Here’s what happened:

  • Sleep Like a Baby (But Better): I needed less sleep, stayed asleep all night (except when Kelsey decided otherwise), and had dreams so vivid I questioned reality.
  • Eye-Opening Results: My dry eye condition vanished. Contacts? Back in action.
  • Morning Person Alert: I woke up energized and ready to go—something I thought was reserved for people who actually enjoy running marathons.
  • All-Day Energy: No 4 PM crashes. I powered through the day without eyeing the nearest couch.
  • Glow Up: People told me my face was glowing. Hydration? Check.
  • Food Freedom: No food obsessions, no bingeing, no cravings. I felt in control, even with delicious raw treats around.
  • Health Metrics Win: Blood pressure and blood sugar levels? Near normal—without meds.
  • Weight Loss: Slowly but surely, the scale numbers dropped.

The Cooked Food Comeback (and Its Not-So-Glorious Effects)

Then came Shavuot (Pentecost), and with it, some celebratory cooked vegan dishes. Healthy? Yes. But the impact? Yikes.

  • Todd’s Take: His gums felt scratched, his tongue got an infected taste bud, and he felt half-sick.
  • My Reality Check: Overnight, my blood pressure and blood sugar spiked by 30 points. My body felt off—heavy stomach, aches, sluggishness, and a pesky headache. Even my eczema flared back up. I needed a nap for the first time in over a month.

It was a wake-up call. We’d been doing a 50/50 raw-to-cooked ratio before, but now? We’re aiming for 90/10—90% raw, 10% or less cooked.

The Challenge: Can You Handle the Raw Vegan Fast?

Look, I get it. It sounds drastic. But you know what’s truly drastic? Open-heart surgery after a massive heart attack. Changing your diet? That’s just choosing life.

So here’s my challenge: try a raw vegan fast for 30 days. No cooked food, no oils, no animal products. See how you feel. What’s the worst that could happen? You might just wake up with glowing skin, boundless energy, and the shocking realization that you actually like kale.

Your future self might just thank you—with a smoothie in hand.

My Favorite Non-Cook Cookbooks are by Lissa Maris

Lissa Maris’ raw vegan cookbooks are the perfect solution for anyone looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle. The meals are nutritious, visually appealing, and delicious. With her creative recipes, you can effortlessly craft vibrant dishes. These dishes require no cooking. This makes healthy eating both simple and enjoyable.

What Makes Lissa Maris’ Cookbooks so Great?

Each recipe is designed to highlight the natural flavors and colors of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. This ensures that your meals are as attractive as they are satisfying. Whether you’re a seasoned raw food enthusiast or just starting, Lissa’s cookbooks provide a wealth of inspiration. They help create meals that nourish your body and delight your taste buds. These meals keep your kitchen cool and your prep time minimal. The last one is my absolute favorite along with Volumes I and II.

These Cookbooks Are Available For Sale Now On Amazon

If you enjoyed this journey into raw vegan living, be sure to explore my other articles and recipes for more delicious inspiration and health tips!

Smokey Chipolte Hemp Taco Sauce(Opens in a new browser tab)

Sorghum & Bean Salad(Opens in a new browser tab)

Delicious Vegan Lemon Curd Recipe(Opens in a new browser tab)

How to Make Whole Wheat Buns at Home

Ginger Shots: The Best Start to Your Day

The Pressures of Life: Is Your Wine Bitter or Sweet?(Opens in a new browser tab)

Health Benefits of the Daniel Fast: A Biblical Diet Explained(Opens in a new browser tab)

Strawberry Syrup(Opens in a new browser tab)

Angel’s Anti-Inflammatory Sunrise Smoothie

Cayenne Cocktail for Migraines

The Benefits of Chamomile Tea and Its Uses

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