Law: Yeshua and the Fulfillment of the Law
Jesus, whose Hebraic name was Yeshua (meaning salvation), is the Word made flesh (John 1:14). Yeshua directly instructed His disciples, saying, “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). This directive emphasizes the ongoing importance of God’s commandments.
Law: The Fallacy of Disregarding the Old Testament Laws
Many people, including some pastors and preachers, mistakenly claim that we are no longer under the law of the Old Testament. They teach that the law no longer applies to us and that Yeshua abolished it. This is a false teaching. Yeshua made it clear that He did not come to eliminate the law, but rather to fulfill it.
Law: The Importance of Discerning the Word
Who will you trust—man’s interpretations or the Word of God itself? We must be diligent in rightly dividing and discerning the truth in Scripture. Rather than relying on others’ interpretations, we should allow the Bible to speak for itself. The Bible will always interpret itself. If a teacher’s message does not align with what Scripture says, we must mark that person as a false teacher and avoid their misleading teachings.
Law: Yeshua’s Purpose in Fulfilling the Law
Yeshua clearly stated in Matthew 5:17 that He did not come to abolish the law. He went further in Matthew 5:18, where He magnified the law and emphasized that not even the smallest part of it would pass away until all is fulfilled.
Law: The Magnification of the Law
Yeshua expanded on the law in a way that emphasized its deeper implications. For example, what was once “don’t commit murder” was magnified by Yeshua to include, “If you are angry with your brother without a cause, you are in danger of judgment.” Yeshua extended the command “don’t commit adultery” by teaching, “If you look at someone with lust, you have already committed adultery in your heart.” He elevated the law’s application to a higher standard of purity.
Law: Yeshua’s Teachings Beyond the Ten Commandments
Yeshua did not limit His teaching to just the Ten Commandments. He addressed additional laws, which he called “your law”, such as those concerning oaths, revenge, lawsuits, loving your neighbor, and even loving your enemies. His teachings demonstrated that the law was not only a matter of outward actions but also of inner attitudes and motives.
Law: The Continuity of the Law in Matthew 5:18
In Matthew 5:18, Yeshua explicitly clarified that He did not come to negate the commandments of YHVH (God). He declared, “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” This statement reinforces the law’s continuity and enduring relevance.
Law: Understanding “Jot” and “Tittle” in Context
Yeshua emphasized that not even the smallest part of the law would be abolished by using the terms “jot” and “tittle,” which refer to the tiniest marks in the Hebrew alphabet. The KJV accurately translated these terms, though modern English no longer uses them in daily conversation. Yeshua taught from the Hebrew Scriptures, reading and teaching from scrolls written in Hebrew, demonstrating His full command of the Hebrew language.
The Greek word “ἰῶτα” (iota) directly translates to “jot” in English. Iota is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet and signifies an extremely small amount. The Hebrew equivalent of “iota” is “yod,” which is both the smallest letter and the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
The Greek word “κεραία” (keraia) directly translates to “tittle.” Keraia refers to a small mark, such as a dot or accent, in writing or printing. It can also represent punctuation like an apostrophe or something very small. In Hebrew, a tittle is even smaller than a “yod,” similar to how it is understood in English.

The picture to the left should give you a good visual of the difference between the small yod and the smaller still tittle in Hebrew written language.
For reference, the Hebrew alphabet is in the picture below. Remember that Hebrew is read from right to left.

Law: Yeshua’s Upholding of the Law
Yeshua’s words and actions throughout His ministry uphold the law as a vital part of God’s plan. He didn’t replace or destroy the law but rather clarified its true intent and expanded its application. This reinforces the importance of adhering to God’s commandments and recognizing their role in guiding our lives today.

Yeshua declared that not even the smallest bit of the law will pass away or be abolished until “Heaven and Earth pass away” and “all be fulfilled.” He wasn’t just referring to the commonly accepted “10 Commandments.” I call them the convenient 10 Commandments because, in reality, what we recognize today as the 10 is actually only nine. Over time, they have been altered, and the different versions found in the Old Testament don’t fully agree with each other.In the Moses Scroll written by Ross K Nichols, we read the 10 commandments, and there are actually TEN. We also read how many of the ways that Yeshua magnified the law are in there. I believe the Moses Scroll was not a forgery.
The Law: The Moses Scroll
I cannot recommend The Moses Scroll enough! The Moses Scroll by Ross K. Nichols is a historical fiction novel. It follows the journey of Moses Wilhelm Shapira as he uncovers a mysterious scroll. The scroll is believed to be written by Moses, Prophet of the Most-High, himself. As Moses Wilhelm Shapira delves deeper into the secrets of the scroll, he faces challenges. He encounters betrayals and dangers. These threats have the potential to shake the foundations of history and religion. The Moses Scroll offers an intriguing mix of archaeological discovery. It weaves in ancient mysteries and modern-day suspense. The book takes readers on a captivating adventure through time and faith.
The Enduring Law: Yeshua’s Call to Heart-Level Obedience
I don’t know about you, but of all the Bibles I own, not a single one has been completely fulfilled. Has yours? I also know that Heaven and Earth have not passed away yet. I wonder if we are very near that time.
To recap, Yeshua magnified the laws of the Old Testament. This includes more than just those that we currently and incorrectly identify as the 10-commandments. He magnified them to the heart level. The laws, commandments, and statutes of the Old Testament address the actions. However, Yeshua expanded the LAW to include the intent of the heart. He also included the thoughts of the mind and the content of the soul. If the Word of the Old Testament no longer applied, he would have plainly said that, but he did not. Yeshua said the exact opposite. He said they apply until Heaven and Earth pass away and all the prophesies are fulfilled. I firmly believe this magnification is EXACTLY what YHVH intended. It pertains to the intent of the heart, thoughts of the mind, and content of the soul when He gave us the TEN commandments.
The Bible says what it says. We need to stop trying to interpret it. Do not “make” it say what we want or what is convenient and easy for us to hear.
I will part with this:

I can imagine those words: If you love me, keep my commandments coming from the very mouth of YHVH.
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