Dear Reader,
We hope this day finds you Healthy in Heart, mind, body and soul! YHVH made this day and gifted us with it; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalms 118:24)! Would you like to get to know us a little? Learn a little about us? If so, then read on!
Who we are
Get to know us — we are Healthy in Heart: Todd, Angel, and Kelsey. Our little family circle wouldn’t be complete without our six mischievous (and yes, sometimes pernicious!) cats: Bibbles (Little Bit), Kirby (The Boy), Samson (Sammy), Gideon (Gid), Abigail (Abby), and Naomi (Nay Nay). Life with six cats is never dull — there’s always someone causing trouble or demanding cuddles! Together, we share a passion for healthy living, compassion for animals, and plenty of laughs thanks to our furry crew.
We are practicing urban homesteading on just under a quarter (¼) acre in Roanoke City, Virginia. Homesteading in the urban environment/inside city limits presents some unique challenges than those posed living in the country. We are attempting to be as self-sufficient as possible.
We do not expect everyone to become carbon copies of us…how boring would that be! But if you are interested in learning and growing, we encourage you to join us in our journey. Make educated decisions for yourself about your physical and spiritual body. Learn to grow with us (gardening).
Get to Know us: Spirituality
Get to know us and our faith journey. We are non-denominational followers of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. You might say we followed Yeshua out of Christianity. You may be more familiar with the name Jesus Christ, but we believe in what Yeshua taught—that obedience to YHVH’s commandments is the only way to salvation. While some have labeled us as Hebrew Roots or placed us in other categories, we disagree. We are not part of any movement; rather, we simply believe in Faith and Torah. Our commitment is to follow Yeshua’s example in full obedience to Abba’s Law, striving to live in truth and righteousness.
We believe in YHVH, but I would never try to shove my beliefs down your throat. While we respect your right to believe as you wish, we ask that you, in return, respect our right to believe the way we do. I will occasionally write articles about our beliefs and reference Biblical scriptures in my articles. If these writings do not interest you, then, by all means, please skip over them.
Get to know us: Diet
Get to know us and the way we approach food and health. If we must have a label for the way we eat, we prefer to be called herbivores, as referred to in Genesis 1:29. Occasionally, we’ll use the term vegan, but only because it’s more widely recognized, despite its mix of positive and negative connotations. For us, it’s not just about diet—it’s about aligning our choices with our faith, values, and compassion for all living beings. Our journey is one of mindful eating and conscious living, rooted in both spiritual and physical well-being.
Get to know us and our journey toward a healthier lifestyle. We changed the way we eat due to health reasons, as Kelsey developed allergies to many foods. This allergy forced us to rethink our diet, not only to support her healing but also to improve our own health. As a result, our food journey began out of necessity and continues to evolve. Additionally, we are vegan because we strongly oppose the animal agriculture industry. We abhor the cruelty animals endure for human consumption and the toxic conditions in which they are raised, filled with antibiotics and chemicals. Furthermore, we reject current butchering practices, which are anything but Biblical. Over time, we have come to find the look and smell of cooked flesh utterly revolting.
We eat whole food plants. We eat as close to unprocessed as we can get and have eliminated chemicals and preservatives from our foods. While we do eat a few processed foods, they are VERY minimally processed. We try to eat foods as close to their whole form as found in nature as possible.
Get to Know Us: Meet Angel
Passionate about writing, I find it to be one of my greatest outlets for self-expression. It gives me a space to organize my thoughts and supports the research that fuels my hunger for knowledge. Through my writing, I hope to share what I learn during my walk with YHVH and my journey toward better health. Expect insights on both health and Biblical topics, along with well-researched information from reputable sources—biases included when necessary. Plus, I’ll be sharing real-life experiences and some of our family’s favorite recipes. Join me in this learning journey because, after all, knowledge is power—and I truly love sharing it.
While I hold a couple of degrees in psychology, I haven’t had the opportunity to use them professionally, as I am needed at home as a caregiver. Still, many things I learned in college play a significant role in Healthy in Heart. Critical thinking and research skills have become part of my daily routine. My deep curiosity and endless hunger for knowledge mean there’s almost always a book nearby that I’m reading. This love of learning has been a tremendous help on my journey. Beyond academics, I enjoy dancing, learning piano, embroidery, sewing, quilting, crocheting, gardening, and countless other crafts and hobbies. Much like my Heavenly Father, I find great joy in creating things.
My extended family
I was born to my parents Rachel and Ray as the middle of five children. I have an older sister (Lena), and older brother (Ben), and a younger sister (Michelle). The baby of the family was Pamela. Of course she was doted on by everyone as a child. Pamela passed away in 2019.
My struggle with weight
I have struggled with my weight since I was 12. I had a traumatic experience and still have PTSD from it. Afterward, in seeking comfort, I turned to food. Food also provided a cocoon of protection…a measure of safety through the layers of fat. My highest known weight was 306. I actually gained more weight, but was not able to weigh myself. That was the turning point when I had gained so much that the scales could not measure the volume. I have been on every conceivable diet known to man, and I have discovered that dieting is not the answer. The answer lies in developing a healthy relationship with food. It involves not using food as a comforter or a crutch. It includes eating a healthy diet.
I have currently, as of January 2023, lost and kept off 70 pounds for several years. I had lost 120 pounds before my youngest sister’s death, at the beginning of 2019. Unfortunately, I gained 70 of those pounds back shortly after her death. Once again, in my grief, I turned to food for comfort. I still struggle with emotional eating, not just in volume, but also in food choices when I am upset. Like I said, we are not perfect yet.
My struggle with health issues
I ate the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) for most of my life. This led to a fight for my life. I have battled Type II diabetes since I was 20 years old. With the knowledge I now have regarding the symptoms of Type II diabetes, I believe I have been Type II since I was 13. That is when the symptoms started. I also faced high blood pressure, high lipids, and morbid obesity. My health issues included kidney damage, fatty liver, mysterious rashes, and food allergies. The list continues.
I think the last straw for me. Perhaps I should say the A-HA moment for me was when I developed “eczema.” It covered 90% of my body in painful, itchy blistering rashes. The primary care doctor sent me to a dermatologist. They put me on steroids. They knew it was going to make everything worse, specifically the Type II diabetes. There was no talk of finding out what was causing the horrendous rashes. They were accompanied by nerve pain so severe it made me cry. The itching was so intense it made me wish I could just peel my skin off to make it stop. I couldn’t sleep at night, and I couldn’t concentrate during the day. It was a living hell. The doctors offered absolutely no hope of recovery. I refused to believe that I would live like that the rest of my life!
There was no hope in sight
People assumed that my health would just go from bad to worse. Ever increasing and incredibly expensive medications seemed to be the only answer. Instead of feeling empowered, I felt powerless. I lacked hope and knowledge on how to get better. I was furious. The doctors only wanted to treat the symptoms. There was no discussion and no forthcoming answers about the CAUSE. A CURE was even less likely to be discussed. There is no money in offering a cure. I wonder if that is the biggest thing that is what is wrong with the medical system in our country.
It was a never-ending roller coaster that was leading me straight to death’s door. I was getting sicker every day. It was very sobering. I realized how very sick I was. I was shocked by how unhelpful the medical community is for non-trauma issues. Over time, I realized I was becoming increasingly sick and tired—and I was completely sick and tired of feeling that way.
I was disappointed and disillusioned with the medical community. They only wanted to give me poisons and then more poisons to “correct” the side effects caused by the first. I was getting so sick that I knew I was knocking on death’s door. So sick, I couldn’t even push mow our quarter-acre yard. I felt nauseous, sick, with my heart pounding., feeling dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out. I was scared I was going to have a heart attack. or a stroke. Knowing I would die young if I continued doing the same thing over and over again. That is the “definition” of insanity, no?
My quest for health
Up until 2014, my quest for health was intermittent and half-hearted at best. I placed more trust and faith in the medical community than I did in YHVH, the Creator of my body. I found the medical community to be severely lacking in the knowledge of how to attain a state of wellbeing. They were neither schooled in wellness, nor in helping people get better and off of drugs. On the contrary, the medial community only wanted to add more and more pharmaceuticals to the ever-growing list.
Unfortunately, the medical community failed to inform me that the diseases plaguing my every waking hour were reversible. I was given no hope of recovery and no guidance on how to eat in a health-promoting way. Instead, I was advised to follow the SAD (Standard American Diet) “in moderation.” Since then, I’ve discovered that doctors receive little to no training in the optimal human diet.
I was advised to take these pills, potions, and injections. They were meant to help me get through the day. They were supposed to ensure I did not die today. I was not warned the medications would contribute to the decline in my health and quality of life. They were not doing anything but temporarily managing the diseases.
Honestly, though, they were not even managing anything. The medications did not even keep disease progression at bay. I developed neuropathy in my hands and feet around 2012. The medical community had let me down in a HUGE way. So when I express my mistrust of the medical community, surely you can understand why. If not, walk on, because what I am doing is working, and what they were doing was NOT.
The turning point
I knew that God had made our bodies to repair themselves, and I started doing research. I found many doctors who educated me through their talks and demonstrations. They taught me about the benefits of long-term fasting and short-term intermittent fasting. They also explained the benefits of a WHOLE FOOD plant-based diet and raw plant eating. Some of those doctors are in no particular order and this is not an exhaustive list: Dr. John Bergman, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Michael Gregger, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, and Dr. Doug Lisle. Dr. Brooke Goldner and The Hippocrates Health Institute have also been influential. There are many testimonials and coachings offered by people who have healed themselves with nutrition. We have slowly incorporated one after another of these things over the last several years with great success.
I discovered dairy was causing the largest part of the painful itching eczema. After cutting out the dairy, the eczema receded to just a few small spot son my hands. I recently discovered that an allergy to nightshades was causing the eczema on my hands. It took a long process of elimination to find out. The other health issues are normalizing. I will update when everything is back in healthy ranges. As for now, what I am doing is working. It is slower than I would like. I did not develop these habits overnight. They will not disappear overnight either.
I am a “real life” expert in autism
Our deaf, autistic daughter is the inspiration for many of my articles. Yes, being a parent to a special needs child makes you an expert! I have worked in the education field for several years. Before that, I worked in the mental health field for about 15 years. I have an Associate of Arts degree in Psychology. and stopped just shy of completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. I stopped at the internship. Life happened and YHVH had other plans for me. So, I had to modify what I thought I wanted.
My personality
I find looking at everything through a lens of negativity to be too depressing. Therefore, I am quite guilty of being a mixture of a Pollyanna and a realist. I prefer to look at the brighter side of life. I try to find humor in life’s difficult situations. However, I also believe we have to see reality for what it is. Otherwise, we are only deluding ourselves. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. To be successful in life, we need to look at everything as an educational opportunity. This is needed if for no other reason than to prevent re-occurrences of bad experiences. After all, there is the old adage. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.” If we want different, we have to act differently, think differently…BE DIFFERENT.
Writing is my passion
I have been a published writer for close to 15 years. I first started publishing with Associated Content who sold their website to Yahoo Contributor Network. Yahoo Contributor Network decided to close the site and deleted all my published articles. I am also published through the While I retained all copyright to my work, the pay was very small or nil in certain cases. Needless to say, having little control over the publication of my work is immensely frustrating. Receiving very little compensation as a writer adds to the frustration. It is aggravating and makes little sense to trade my hours and expertise for mere pennies…. So, now I do it for FREE. Haha, I realized I needed full control over the publication of my work. This is why I built this site….that and being obedient to what I feel YHVH directing me to do.
Health Updates
HEALTH UPDATE: As of 03-23-23, I have not needed extraneous insulin! My amazing plant-based doctor at Barnard Medical Center has helped me. I have been able to slowly taper off insulin completely. Whereas I was taking well over 150 units of both long-term and short-acting insulins, I now need none!
Get to know us: Meet Todd
Todd’s extended family
Todd grew up the son of doctor, an ophthalmologist, Herbert. He has two half-brothers and one half-sister. None of them have anything to do with him. Todd’s siblings are all much older than him, and he was pretty much raised as an only child. Herbert’s second wife was Todd’s Mother, Joyce. Joyce moved in with us at the end of her life. She lived with us for 7 seven years. We lost her September 2024.
Todd’s passions
Todd played guitar and bass in his own bands locally for many years. He also worked as a “hired gun,” subbing in for many well-known, national bands. (He also played in churches for over 20 years, until we stopped attending churches.) Todd retired from the music scene at age 29. After that, he returned to bass fishing. He fished local and state bass fishing tournaments for a while. However, he got frustrated with the dishonesty and the behind-the-scenes action he saw. He is a sheet metal mechanic with a four-year degree. You can tell from the lovely planters and buildings that he has made for me.
Not long before we met, I prayed for a husband who would lead me closer to YHVH. Todd became the answer to that prayer—and so many more! As a loving father and husband, he brings warmth and joy into our lives. His wonderful sense of humor and incredible ability to make me laugh, even when I’m stressed or upset, is truly a blessing.
Get to know us: Meet Kelsey
Kelsey is our sweet adult daughter. She is challenged with severe to profound bilateral sensory-neural hearing loss. Kelsey has no functional hearing even with the highest high-powered hearing aids available. She also has mutism. Although she makes some noises, she does not speak. Additionally, Kelsey is autistic. She communicates using a combination of American Sign Language and Signed English. Kelsey modified it into what we call Kelsey Sign Language. She struggles with many of the symptoms of autism like sensory integration dysfunction, inappropriate interaction with others, and many more.
For all of her struggles, at heart, she is so sweet and loving. She needs one-on-one care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No, we do not take a break from her, because she is not a burden. She is loved. Kelsey loves being active, walking in her community, playing in the yard and helping Mom and Dad. She has an amazing sense of humor, and we adore her laughter!!
Kelsey has had many people in her life that she cares about. However, most of them have walked out on her. Oh, some will pretend to want to continue a relationship with her, but they have no follow through, which is very painful for Kelsey. So due to these and some other issues, we are very protective of Kelsey. We do not want her to get hurt any more than she already has. People who want to be a part of her life have to be vetted. Therefore, we do keep her off of Youtube and other venues in which the world would have unsolicited access to her.
Thank you for reading this far and taking the time to get to know us a little!
Please feel free to comment and share links. For your convenience I have included links to share to popular media sites. If you like what you read, please feel free to subscribe to my site so that you never miss a new post. I promise I will not abuse your trust through flooding your email with repetitiveness. At this point, I will only be sending one email a week with all the articles I have written included in it. I will never spam or sell your contact information.
All the content on this site was written by me, and I own all copyrights, unless otherwise noted. All the articles on this site may be referenced for academic or business purposes, provided they are properly referenced according to APA Style. For the ability to republish any content on this site, to avoid plagiarism, please contact me for permissions first.
Hate Speech
Please keep hate speech off this site. I have no desire to read it and will not expose my readers to it. Any hate speech, bashing of any kind, and bullying will not be tolerated here. Yes, I will read all comments posted and will respond to them. I welcome your input and opinions, but I do ask that you please keep communications respectful. Additionally, spamming is not permitted here.
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This website is completely free for you to read and use. However, it is not free for me to maintain. I will never ask you for money. You will not be required to pay to access the information contained herein. If you found the information helpful, I hope you will use my Amazon affiliate links. This provides an income to me at no additional cost to you. I also will not bombard you with advertisements. Those annoy me, too. Please make sure you take a few moments to read the privacy policy linked above.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to get to know us.
May YHVH bless you, keep you, and give you shalom!
With much love,
Angel Keaton