Fear Not: Fear is a Liar April 21, 2020


There is a meme that gets passed around Facebook that says the phrase “Fear not” is in the Bible 365 times, a verse for every day of the year…Well, that would be great if it were true, but 365 is not correct. Depending on which version of the Bible you use, the number is more realistically in the range of 104-131. That is still a lot of times that we are told to not be afraid.

You see, God is not a God of fear. He will never speak to you through fear. Throughout the bible there are over 100 passages that have the message: fear not, be not afraid.

God does not want us acting and reacting from a place of fear.

Throughout my life I have faced many hardships, difficult circumstances that scream for desperation, fear, circumstances of lack, of feeling that I am not enough and most certainly not good enough. I am certain that you have as well, because that is one of the devil’s favorite tools to use against us to keep us immobilized. I want to assure you today, that these thoughts and feelings are NOT from God. Those thoughts and feelings come from the enemy, and their explicit purpose is to keep you beaten down so that you do not step out for God, so that you do not fulfill what God has called you to do.

Doesn’t it seem like every time God calls you to do something you could give Moses a run for his money in the excuses that you offer God as to why you are not the right person for the job? Can you relate? Have you ever asked God, “Who am I?” (Exodus 3:11) Who am I to do what you have asked me to do, Lord? “They won’t believe me.” (Exodus 4:1) I’m not qualified to do what you ask; there’s nothing special about me that would make people want to listen to what I have to say. “O, my Lord, I am not eloquent in speech. I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” (Exodus 4:10)

If you were to break all those excuses down to their root, you will realize that they all come from a place of fear, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection or persecution, fear of your life, fear that you just don’t have what it takes to do the job. God knows that the devil uses fear to control us, stifle our victories, and to destroy our hope. The corona virus provides a really good example that’s prominent in the news today of how fear can be used to control us.

Fear allows us to give excuses for why we can’t do something. Fear steals our peace. Fear steals our joy. Fear steals our victory. Most of all, fear steals our testimony, our ability to be a good witness and ambassador for God. Fear gives us permission to settle for something less. Fear gives us permission to settle for less than God’s best.

When I look back at the toughest times of my life, there has not been a single time that God has left me. There has not been a single time that God has told me, “Okay, girl, you have to go fend for yourself now. I’m outta here.” Never. Not once. Not once has God not provided everything I needed. Not once!! Not once have I ever been left to flounder on my own or to lean on my own understanding or strength …which is a good thing because there are so many times that I don’t feel strong at all.

I can relate to Moses a bit, I can’t speak eloquently. I stammer and stutter. I get so nervous sometimes that I have difficulty even thinking straight. I struggle getting my thoughts and words to come out together in a cohesive manner. In contrast, when I sit down to write, it’s just me and God. The nervousness isn’t there, the fear isn’t there, and the words, the thoughts, the ideas, the inspiration flows so smoothly, so eloquently, so easily, because it comes from Him.

God said to Moses, “Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” (Exodus 4:11) Just like Moses, I can’t do anything myself, of my own strength, my own intelligence, my own abilities.

Apostle Paul prayed three times for God to release him from his infirmity, but God said, no. Why? God answered that when He said, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. God uses our weaknesses so that we know the strength with which we obey him is His. God uses our weakness to glorify His strength. He is the one that is strong, so that we will lean on Him instead of ourselves; lean on his ability, instead of our own abilities. Finally, God uses our weaknesses to be relatable to other people.

Of this I am certain, we can rest assured in the fact that God will never call us to do a job that he has not already equipped us to do with His strength, His talent, His intelligence, His wisdom, His knowledge, His skills, His ability.

So what do we have to fear?

The Spreading Love & Hope Challenge this week is if you have fear holding you back from obeying what God has asked you to do, ask God to help you overcome that fear, and then do it, obey God! I would also encourage you to reach out to others and encourage them. Others have to overcome the same or similar fears to do the work that God has set before them, too. Speak an encouraging word and a blessing into someone’s life today!

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