Mind, Body, & Soul

Let’s Talk About How to Declutter Your Heart, Mind, and Soul

We are inundated with ads that tell us we can’t live without Product A or we need Product B to be more efficient or worse to fit in with society. There are so many people who address de-cluttering your life, your home, etc, and I am not going to regurgitate that. However, I want to talk with you about de-cluttering your heart, mind and soul. We know that our homes, our closets, our drawers, our offices, our automobiles are overcrowded with things that we really don’t need, but have you ever given any thought to the clutter that you accumulate in your mind? In your heart? In your Soul? And how all this junk affects the health of your body…your self-talk…your opinion of yourself…? That is the subject that I want to talk with you about today.

Mind, Body, & Soul

Let’s Talk Menstrual Health: Dermal Absorption & Replacing Chemically Treated Disposable Maxi Pads and Tampons with Reusable Washable Cloth Pads

It is well known that our skin can absorb things that it comes into contact with; to give some examples, there are nicotine and morphine patches, cortisone creams, pain relief creams, and the list goes on. So, it has been well known in the medical community and in the general public information domain that we can absorb things into our blood stream through what is called dermal absorption. It is not a surprise that we can absorb chemicals through dermal absorption as well. I will link below an article on the CDC’s website about just that (CDC, 2013). What we do not typically think about is the effect of chemicals on our clothes and other items that come into contact with our skin and how they can affect our hormones and physical and mental health. Obviously, we should take care about what we put against our skin, but how much more so the sensitive skin in and around our lady bits? Inside the vagina is more sensitive to dermal absorption than the skin on the outside of our body.


Angel’s Anti-Inflammatory Sunrise Smoothie

Angel’s Anti-inflammatory Sunrise Smoothie This is a recipe that I came up with on Preparation Day (the day that precedes the Sabbath in which you prep your food for the Sabbath). I have still been experiencing some eczema on my right hand and wanted to kick of the anti-inflammatory foods for a few days to…


Obedience is Required

Obedience is required……… As a child of Yahua and having faith in Yeshua, obedience is not a choice, it is required. From cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation, the Holy Bible stresses the importance of obeying the law. In fact, in many places, it doesn’t just say obey it, but GUARD it. If you…